【プレスリリース】「KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020」、経済学の世界的権威である小島武仁氏などパネリスト追加決定

2020.09.16 Wed
10月2日開催のオンラインイベント「KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020」のパネリストとして、経済学の世界的権威である小島武仁氏(東京大学大学院経済学研究科 教授 東京大学マーケットデザインセンター所長/前スタンフォード大学 教授)らが追加決定したことをお知らせいたします。
経済学者 小島武仁(こじまふひと)氏
東京大学大学院経済学研究科 教授
※前スタンフォード大学 教授
【海外】Social Choice and Welfare Prize, Economic Theory Fellow, Sloan Research Fellow, SIEPR Fellow, Presidential Scholarship (Harvard University), etc.
●小川 貴昭 氏
株式会社ロッテ マーケティング部 キシリトールブランド課 課長
●盛山 将広 氏
ヤフー株式会社 CTO CTO室 エンジニアリング部 コーポレート技術
KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020は、実際の現場で日々マネジメントに向き合われる皆さまや人事の皆さまという“個人” “生の声”にフォーカスしながら、今、私たちが新たな働き方へ適応し実態を進化させるための気づきやヒントを提供するオンラインイベントです。
KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020 announces Additional Panelists, including world renowned economist Prof. Fuhito Kojima.
KAKEAI is pleased to announce that world-renowned economist Takehito Kojima (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo; Director, Market Design Center, University of Tokyo and former Professor, Stanford University) has been added as a panelist for the online event “KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020” to be held on October 2.
The timetable and outline of the session have also been updated.
Please click here to register for this event (free of charge).
■Additional Panelists
Economist, Prof. Fuhito Kojima
Professor at Graduate School of Economics of The University of Tokyo
Director at The University of Tokyo Market Design Center
Former Professor at Stanford University
An economist, born in 1979, he graduated at the top of his class from the University of Tokyo in 2003 with a degree in economics.Doctor in Economics from Harvard University in 2008. Yale University (postdoctoral fellowship) and Stanford University (assistant, associate, and professor). He has also received tenure at Stanford University in 2012 at the astounding age of 33. In 2013, and elected a Sloan Research Fellow which is a fellowship given to outstanding young researchers, regardless of field. Only one will be selected from around 100 nominees each year.
In the year of 2020 he has become a professor at the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Economics and Director of the University of Tokyo’s Market Design Center.
His academic field of expertise is “matching theory”, which considers how to bring people and people and goods/services together in the right place, and “market design”, which is applied to the design and implementation of social systems.He is known for inventing concrete methods to improve Japan’s residency matching system and the issue of children on nursery school waiting lists in Japan. He has published many research papers in numerous top international journals and has won various awards. Regarded as one of the most productive Japanese economists, he is also actively involved in collaborations with universities and other organizations.
<Research Fields>
Market design, matching theory, game theory, etc.
<Awards and Fellowships>
2021, The Nakahara Prize by the Japanese Economic Association
2019, The Japan Academy Medal
2018, 15th JSPS Prize
2018, 5th Jiro Enjoji Memorial Prize (Nikkei)
2010, Kenichi Miyazawa Memorial Award (Japan Fair Trade Association)
2003, The Ouchi Prize
2003, Representative of the graduating students
2016, Social Choice and Welfare Prize.
2015–present, Economic Theory Fellow.
2013-2015, Sloan Research Fellow.
2014–present, SIEPR Fellow.
2003-2008, Presidential Scholarship (Harvard University)
and more.
Mr. Takaaki Ogawa
Manager, Xylitol Brand Section, Marketing Department, Lotte Co.
Mr. Masahiro Moriyama
Yahoo Japan Corporation CTO CTO Office
Engineering Department Corporate Technology
◾️KAKEAI INTERACTION Day 2020 Overview
No matter how much the ways of working change, the reality of people-to-people and people-to-Organizations relationships will always exist.
KAKEAI INTERACTION DAY 2020 is an online event that will focus on the “real voices” of the people who actually deal with management on a daily basis in the field, as well as human resources professionals, and provide insights and hints for adapting to new ways of working and evolving the realities of today’s world.Friday, October 2nd, 13:00-19:00 Online|Free to attend, free to come and goThis year’s inaugural event will be held online on Friday, October 2, inviting guests who are active on the front lines of business and human resources in various fields and managers and companies using KAKEAI Management Support Cloud System, and who have demonstrated outstanding 1-on-1 satisfaction and growth among their employees.
For more information and to register to attend (free of charge)
To join this event click HERE
See Press Release from HERE



